Supporting the animal feed and flour milling industries to build a better future

Supporting projects to
build a better future!
Funding your
feed initiatives & research

Call for funding 2025

The Victam Foundation is excited to announce the first Call for Funding, open for application from January 30 - May 15, 2025! We invite researchers, organizations, and innovators to prepare their proposals for projects that can transform the feed and flour milling industry.

Highlighting Our Supported Initiatives:

Deduction of Phytase activity IFF

The study "Deduction of Phytase Activity IFF" examines how phytase improves nutrient absorption in animal feed by breaking down phytic acid, enhancing feed efficiency, and reducing phosphorus waste.

WUF Petfood Support

The Victam Foundation supports WUF Petfood Support through funding initiatives that improve pet food quality, safety, and sustainability, promoting innovation in ingredient sourcing, processing, and nutritional standards globally.

Seeking funding for your innovation in feed- or flour processing industry?

The Victam Foundation is excited to announce that the call for Funding for 2025 is open from January 15 - May 15, 2025! We invite researchers, organizations, and innovators from the industry to prepare their proposals for projects that can transform the feed and flour milling industry.

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3rd International Feed Technology Conference 2026

Don't miss the chance to connect with global experts at the 3rd IFTC, hosted by the Victam Foundation and Wageningen University. On behalf of the scientific, advisory and organization committee of the Congress, we invite students, professors, researchers and professionals from industry to participate to the IFTC 2026 program.
June 2-3, 2026
More information Jaarbeurs, Utrecht
The Netherlands.